Personal Growth


Lazy, Unimaginative, Fearful & Selfish

As I have noted in various articles I have written, on social media sites, and in my book, Strategic Planning & Organizational Culture for Public Safety Agencies: Too many things in America don’t get done because too many people who should know better are either lazy, unimaginative, fearful or selfish … or some combination of those four choices. I have learned poor choices –… Read more →

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Schedule An Online Consultation Here!

You can schedule and book a one-on-one, free, confidential one-hour consultation here – on line, live. Simply click on the graphic. You’ll leave this website and go to my Personal Coaching Site to book and schedule the Zoom meeting! I look forward to visiting with you! Also, please consider a free subscription to my Substack site: “It’s About The Future!“

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SKent send me your C and D people

Send Me Your ‘C’ And ‘D’ Students … And We’ll Change The World

Don’t send me only those people you have unilaterally deemed to be your “smartest” employees. I believe most people are not qualified to make such an arrogant assessment. Please send me the folks that, from your limited perspective and experience you have unilaterally – even disdainfully – labeled as your ‘slow learners.’ Send me your so-called ‘average’ employees. Send me… Read more →

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