Thousands of my friends – and your friends – are rightfully terrified, hurting, anxious and frustrated.
As are their families and friends.
I am seeing it at the deepest levels of not-for-profit organizations, civic organizations, municipal government, county government, state government – and certainly among my dedicated colleagues in Federal service.
Through no fault of their own the are facing the loss of income, loss of meaningful work, loss of team relationships, loss of much of their core identities.
For some the tears come readily. For some the tears are buried. For some, the tears will show up in the future. It’s o.k.
Tears are o.k.
The closest anyone can ever get to murdering another human being is to fire them … to take away the very basis for their self-sufficiency and safety.
Further, to designate a surrogate to do the firing is among the lowest forms of cowardice I know of … eclipsed only by doing so in an email or some other callous, dispassionate, craven, sterile mechanism.
As our friends bear the brunt of embarrassment, loss of control and sleeplessness, let us each and all extend grace to them, encourage them in all things, help them find the next steps in their life-adventure and send good, unconditional energy their way. Let us each and all remember how fortunate we are.
Let us each and all share a bit of anything we have to fill the voids created by those who do not, cannot, will not care about the pain they cause others.
Let us each and all leverage this difficult time into a brighter future – for our friends, our families, our Nation and the entire World.
This period is not a sentence. It is a chance.
In confusion there is opportunity.
In caring there is hope and a true sense of community and, the thing that distinguishes us from other beings – the ability to create the future we want for our families, friends and ourselves.

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