With as much chaos, angst, misinformation and confusion swirling around the world, this is a good time to focus on self-care.
Slow down.
Detox from the news.
Detox from the digital world.
Focus on proper nutrition.
Focus on getting enough sleep.
Have a beer or a glass of wine … but avoid 10 beers or 16 glasses of wine.
Have calm conversations with your family and friends about family and friends stuff – anything but “the news.”
Sit quietly for 5 minutes and clear your mind of clutter.
Read a book.
Watch your favorite comedy movie.
Get off the couch.
Go for a walk … Best if you have a dog to walk you.
Travel outside your city limits and the county line. Just go for a drive in the countryside.
Write a short story or a poem or a song.
Learn to paint landscapes.
Visit your clergyperson, your therapist or your Mom; they want you to succeed.
In any case, don’t let worry, fear, anger or speculation consume your day … or ultimately your soul. Reach out to people you trust and rely upon their insights.
You are not alone.
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Book a visit with me at my Personal Life Coaching Site, Mind Your 4 Peas.
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