Personal Coaching: Mind Your 4 Peas!

Just 4 Peas

Do you or someone you know need personalized, one-on-one help with personal coaching, organizational development, team building, strategic planning, communication, or creating a personal vision?

Do you know of a leadership team that would benefit from coaching?

It’s what I do.

Growing An Idea To Help Others

Decades ago in the heart of the Oregon countryside, my family cultivated a sprawling garden each year. My siblings and I were expected to help plant and tend to vegetables that would sustain us through the winter months. For a kid, gardening was hot and dirty work. Immediate gratification was nowhere to be found. As the garden work became onerous, I often chose more appealing distractions. At those moments, my Dad’s stern voice would remind me, “Son! Mind your peas!” 

Initially, I found it annoying—why peas? But as I grew up, I understood that it wasn’t just about the plants; it was a lesson in discipline, in staying focused on growing our future even when distractions beckoned. It meant honoring the tasks that collectively shaped our family’s survival.

Years later and far from that Oregon garden, I tend to other kinds of “Peas” … the ones that sustain my family, students, and clients. They require me to stay focused, to honor the choices and tasks that shape my present and future, and which impact others’ futures as well. Whenever distractions arise, I sometimes still hear my father’s stern command: “Mind your peas!”

Now, surrounded by loving family members, I sometimes look back over multiple decades and wonder, “What might I have accomplished had I not been so afraid?” For too long, I wandered away—unfocused, distracted by inner fears. Instead of learning and choosing a rewarding path to Peace, Prosperity, People, and Plans—the “4 Peas”—I wasted precious time.

Effective leadership, I’ve learned, is about choices. It’s not tied to a job title or organizational rank; it’s personal. Inspirational choices shape our paths. 

Effective leadership is about making effective choices as an adult. That’s where personal coaching comes in. I want to help you focus on minding your “4 Peas,” drawing from my lifetime of experience and training. I have learned that we must cultivate them mindfully, ensuring our futures flourish. 

What Is Personal Coaching?

As a coach I provide information, guidance, and accountability, to assist you in identifying your values, strengths, and areas for growth. Through active listening, powerful questioning, and goal-setting techniques, my mission with Mind Your 4 Peas is to empower you to identify and overcome obstacles, enhance self-awareness, and create positive changes in your life. 

Whether improving relationships, career transitions, or personal development, life coaching fosters self-discovery. I encourage you to take purposeful actions toward your desired outcomes.


Peace: Coaching Sessions

  • Need A Sounding Board?
  • Identifying Obstacles To Personal Success
  • Defining Your Inner Peace
  • Let’s Think About That New Job

People: Coaching Sessions

  • How To Have A Courageous Conversation
  • Be your Own Change Agent
  • The Importance Of Networking
  • Building Your Support Team
  • Small Group Communication
  • Dealing With Toxic People
  • How To Build An Effective Team

Plans: Coaching Sessions

  • Discover Your Marketable Skills!
  • Coaching Sessions With Coach Steve
  • Declare Your Personal Vision

Prosperity: Coaching Sessions

  • If Your Financial Life Sucks Your Life Probably Sucks


Topics available to assist yourself, your subordinates, and your work teams may include:

  • active listening
  • attention to detail
  • changing careers
  • collaboration
  • dealing with toxic personalities
  • conflict resolution
  • creative thinking
  • delegation techniques
  • employee burnout
  • improving communication – up, down, left, and right
  • interpersonal relationships
  • lifelong learning
  • listening skills
  • minimizing “silos”
  • minimizing interpersonal conflict
  • personal productivity
  • planning ahead
  • presentation skills
  • review and comment on plans
  • self-management
  • self-motivation
  • setting personal goals
  • setting priorities
  • staying organized
  • teamwork
  • the importance of taking initiative
  • time management
  • writing a resume
  • and many other skills designed to assist individual employees, work teams, and your entire organization.

If you have other topics you’d like to discuss please let me know!


4 Peas

I am always an email ([email protected]) away.

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Article written by

Stephen L. Kent, founder and president of The Results Group, Ltd., has more than 35 years of leadership training and facilitation experience. He specializes in helping people and organizations design and implement programs to improve personal performance, interpersonal relationships, leadership skills, organizational effectiveness, strategic planning, issues management, and community engagement. Steve is a dynamic speaker known for his straight talk that gets directly to the heart of key issues. He is the author of Strategic Planning & Organizational Culture For Public Safety Agencies and the novel, Covered With Montana, which may be purchased on He and his family reside in Oro Valley, Arizona.

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