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In addition, you can listen to leadership-oriented audio podcasts. I publish new ones at least monthly. Click on this graphic to choose your preferred podcast host.

Listen to Steve talk with leaders about keys to success.

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My podcasts are for those who want to improve their leadership skills – from effectively communicating, teambuilding, strategic planning and more. Thanks for listening!


Please subscribe to my YouTube-based, video “podcast” entitled, “Focusing On Results.”

  • Episode 1: One of many discussions on “The Creative Process And Wisdom” with educator, videographer, world traveler, and much-trusted friend, (click) Steve Date.

  • Episode 2: One of my discussions with long-time friend and reciprocal mentor, (click) Eric Bush. In this episode we discuss life lessons about leadership, changing perspectives, the importance of stories and many other topics. I continue to be inspired by Eric’s wisdom, his ability to think strategically, his calm professionalism and his willingness to be fearlessly out front on any issue.

  • Episode 3: Excellent discussion with my friend (click) Heather Lee – Mom, Wife, Humorist, Writer, Leader and Unrepentant Champion On Behalf Of The Vulnerable.

Click on this graphic to view episodes and subscribe to my YouTube channel. I publish new episodes at least monthly beginning in August, 2024!

Stephen L Kent will help you unleash your leadership potential.

Please let me know if there are personal leadership topics you’d like me and my guests to discuss!

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