Your Training Room Is Key To Being A Host Site!
We believe in bringing training to as many different regions of the United States as possible. We rely on host sites such as yours to work with The Results Group, Ltd. in putting the program together.
Our host sites are invaluable in making the training a successful and fulfilling experience for all our clients.
We are honored that public safety agencies across the United States have supported Leadership: Excellence And Destinations (L.E.A.D.) Academy work sessions.
Benefits To Your Agency
As a L.E.A.D. Host Site, your agency can benefit in a number of ways, including:
- One free slot in all training classes for every 10 paid registrations we receive;
- Discounts on selected training programs for multiple registrations from your agency;
- Bring customized, professional training directly to your agency; savings on travel, per diem, overtime;
- Position your agency as a leader in professional training for your region;
- Promote your agency in the community;
- Foster inter-agency cooperation by participating in training with other agencies in your region.
As a Host Site, we ask that you work with us on the following items:
- Secure approval from your State’s POST or POST-equivalent organization to recognize the training for elective credit.
- Implement your portions of the marketing communications program as outlined below.
- Provide a training room capable of seating up to 40 people at one time.
- Ensure the facility is set up according to the training needs prior to the class.
- Provide access to audio/visual equipment and supplies, including a white board, easel and flip chart and overhead projector or Powerpoint/computer capabilities for selected classes.
- Optional: Provide refreshments for each morning of the scheduled classes (coffee and water are acceptable).
- The ideal training room floor plan is to have a series of tables with six chairs each … “theater style” seating just doesn’t work for classroom exercises.
Costs To Your Agency?
There are no additional fees to your agency for being a Host Site, other than providing the items listed above.
Promotion of Academies
In order to make any L.E.A.D. program a success, we require a minimum of 20 registrations in order to proceed with the class. A class size up to 40 participants is ideal. Promotion of the value of the selected training programs is a key to ensuring this success.
For any one program, we ask that the host site follow the marketing and promotional steps listed below:
Two to Three months prior to training program:
- Send out a personal invitation from your training officer or senior leader inviting surrounding agencies to participate in the program. Include a copy of the training syllabus and description found on the registration page.
- We encourage you to notify departments, agencies, not-for-profits and private sector companies throughout your area of the opportunity, since they can benefit from the training as well.
- Present the opportunity to any regional training groups in your area and/or at command staff or inter-agency meetings.
- Contact the regional training coordinator for CJTC, DPSST or POST to request that the class be listed on the state agency’s web site.
In addition to these steps, The Results Group, Ltd. will complete the following action steps:
- Selected personal invitations to those who have previously attended one or more of our Academies.
- Post the registration and tuition site for the academy on our website.
- Distribute a link to the registration site to our email distribution list.
- Send a link to the registration page using our Facebook and LinkedIn accounts.
- If necessary, the instructor arrives an hour before the first day of training to assist in setting up the training room.
If you have questions or need additional assistance, please call 541.806-1502.
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